Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Favorite Conversation.

This is one of those moments that I don't want to forget, so I couldn't think of a better thing to do than to blog about it! I have always thought about when our kids will get old enough to really start understanding the foundations of Christianity that we are teaching them. Well, that time has come and it has been so fun to hear Caleb's questions and see from his perspective what he understands. The Bible says we are to have faith like a child, and what beautiful hearts children have in regard to believing. They think and see things with such an unadulterated's really amazing.

So the other day on the way to taking Caleb to school he asked, "Mommy, if Jesus lives in my heart, then how come I can't see him right now?" And that led to such a sweet conversation with me getting to explain it all to him. It is the most rewarding feeling to see him grasp these concepts and begin to truly understand. Then he said, "Mommy, let's get on an airplane and fly right up to Jesus in heaven!" My heart just about melted. And then Rachel yells out, "Mommy Jesus is in my heart too!" Yep. Melted. :)