Sunday, May 24, 2009

Boys Weekend and a Baseball Game!

Hi, everybody!  This is Caleb.  (Well, really this is Daddy writing vicariously through Caleb, but you get the idea!)  Mommy (and Rachel) went away this weekend to spend some time with her girl friends in Pennsylvania.  So, Daddy and I hung out together and had an awesome "Boys Weekend."  My favorite part was when Daddy took me to see my first Red Sox game at Fenway Park!

Yay!  I'm going to see a baseball game!

Fenway Park is really fun.  There is so much to do and see there!

Daddy and I liked watching the game together.  Go Sox!

We had really great seats, so I could see all the action on the field.

Look!  There's the Green Monster!

I love it here!  I sure hope Daddy and Mommy take me again!

Daddy said that I was being very good during the game.
There were just so many interesting things going on the whole time!

Yep, Daddy and I had a really fun time together... can tell by how tuckered I was afterwards!
Now, I wonder what Mommy and Rachel are up to...
those two are inseparable these days!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Growing Up

So lately it has been super apparent to us that Caleb is really growing up.  I know kids grow like weeds at this stage in their lives, but I feel like I am really seeing my baby turn into a little boy from his looks to his development and habits.  Here are just a few examples with pictures of Caleb eating a ham and cheese sandwich and a video of him drinking out of a cup for real (with no sippy spout or straw)!