Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Special Outfits

Here are a few pictures of a couple of special outfits Caleb has been given by family members that we thought we would post to show, but before we do, we have a couple of quick shout-outs to two awesome cousins!  First, Happy Birthday Piper (our cousin in TX who turned 1 on Monday...we're a little behind since I haven't posted since last I guess this one is a belated shout-out!)  And secondly, a big shout-out to Katrina who is potty training and doing an excellent job from what we hear!  Way to go Katrina!  :)  

So this cute authentic Olympics shirt was gotten by Grandpa and Nana on their trip to Asia (they were all over in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Beijing, etc.) and they got this t-shirt for Caleb.  It's pretty cool that it's actually from where the Olympics took place.  These will be neat pictures to show Caleb someday to explain that!

On the bottom right of the picture you can see the little animal looking thing on the t-shirt, that is a "Fuwa", the official mascot of the 2008 Beijing Olympics; this one in particular symbolizes the Olympic flame.  Pretty cool!

And here Caleb is trying to get a sneak peek at the TV (Val was watching rhythmic gymnastics at the time).  Man, we seriously could have watched all day sometimes, the Olympics just suck you right in!  Haha!

This next outfit is a fun family tradition that has been started by Val's cousins, Tom, Sue Ann and Courtney Noll.  This outfit is neat because Tom works at Harley, and they have given each new family member a super cute Harley outfit to sport!  

Caleb says, "The only thing that is missing is my Fatboy Mom!"  :)

And last but not least, here are a few pictures of the baby set that Great Nana Gow made for Caleb.  We have been waiting for Caleb to fit into it all this time, and he finally does!  Below he is in the cardigan and booties.

Look how sweet he is in the little bonnet!

It looks like he is ready for winter with the mittens and scarf he has on!

 Thank you to everyone for these adorable outfits!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fun Photos

Here are a couple of pictures that I didn't put on the last post of fun moments over the past two weeks, including a few shots from our friend Todd's visit recently as well. Enjoy!

Having way too much fun eating his peaches and yogurt! I'm sure you all wanted to see that! Haha!

Trying out his new Mum Mum rice crackers, as we continue to encourage him to work on feeding himself.

Yummy! :)

Todd and Caleb just hanging out, (Todd was one of Jason's roommates at PSU).

Making music!

Where's Caleb?

There he is!

Finally, just playing around!

One quick video to share...we got Caleb clapping on video now!

Monday, August 18, 2008

3 Teeth, Pulling up, Clapping and Crawling like Crazy!

WOW! What a crazy few weeks it has been since I posted last. In the last two weeks alone, Caleb has had two more teeth come through, he pulled himself up to standing for the first time when he had just turned 7 months old (about two weeks ago), he just began clapping for the first time too, and he is crawling around like a champ now! is hard to keep up with the little guy! This is such an exciting time in our family! So here are a TON of pictures of everything that has been going on.

So here is the first picture we took the day after his 2nd tooth popped through (you can see it there on the left), and just this past Sunday, tooth #3 came through (it was his top right front tooth).

No more toothless grins anymore! :)

Now onto the pulling up. This picture was taken about a month ago when Caleb first started trying to pull up on things (like his bumbo chair here).

And here he was about two weeks ago, this was the very first time he pulled himself up to standing on his book basket (we quickly ran to get the camera...luckily, he hadn't learned how to get down yet, so he was standing there for a little while! Ha ha!)

Here's the first video we got of him pulling himself up on his leapfrog table. It takes him a little while to do it, so be sure to watch until the end! Now when he does it (for instance we were playing on it last night) he will pull right up and stay standing by himself for like 15 minutes at a time. I wonder when he will try to let go! :)

So basically anything Caleb can pull himself up on, he will try to do so. Yesterday at a playdate he was trying to pull up on another baby! I stopped him of course...but totally funny! Here he pulled himself up on the bumbo for real this time.

On the car seat...

In the crib...(which we have now lowered by the way!)

Trying the coffee table one day...

Mastering it the next!

Another time on the book basket...

And he can't reach the top of the chairs or the couch yet by himself, but I'm sure he will soon! Here we stood him up and he was showing us how well he stands by himself. He is becoming a climbing machine. I guess that is our future having a boy huh?

Ok, so now onto the clapping. We haven't gotten it on video yet, so we had to take a few pictures to get the effect. I think now we are going to work on teaching him to wave "bye-bye"!

And finally here are some cute shots of Caleb just hanging out one day. Grammy and Pops got him the "Prepster" hat and the sneakers; we were just playing around one day trying them on and thought he looked adorable.

Here's his first time in the umbrella stroller that Grandma got him!

I almost forgot, here's one last video to end this post of another time Caleb was crawling recently, for those of you who have asked to see more of that. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Crawling Video!!!

Tonight while hanging out in the kitchen, we finally broke out the camera and got some crawling on video (the first of many videos of him being mobile I'm sure!), so I thought I would post that as well before I head off to bed.

First though, above is the "baby bird" open mouth look Caleb does when he is ready to receive a Cheerio that we mentioned in the last post. So funny!

Here's the crawling video!

This is video of him going from the crawling position to the sitting position (something he has done for about a month now), but I finally got it on camera and thought it would be fun to share.

Finally, shots of Caleb with Daddy and me tonight while we were just hanging out as a family. We love our lil' man! We are SO blessed!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Visit from Grammy and Pops

So I am finally getting around to posting pictures from when my (Val's) parents visited two weekends ago. While they were here we visited Hampton Beach, NH, went into Boston for the day to see a few sites, and they also came to Caleb's Baby Dedication at church on that Sunday. It was a really fun visit, Caleb definitely enjoyed seeing them! Here are some shots from that trip:

Caleb getting changed in the cabana...ready to go into the water!

When Pops, Jason and Val were boogie-boarding, Grammy was back at the cabana playing with Caleb and finally got him to nap. It was so precious!

The boys walking on the boardwalk checking out the stores.

We took a quick detour to the playground at the beach so Caleb could get some swinging time. He also went down the slide for the first time too. (Don't worry...even though it looks like Caleb is by himself, Jason assisted him the whole time and just stepped away for the picture at the bottom!)

Grammy and Pops by the ocean.

Right before we left, Pops taking in the scenery.

Bath time once we got home created some AWESOME hair! Ha ha!

The next day we went into Boston. Caleb was ready to go in his Red Sox romper Grammy and Pops got him!

The first stop after lunch was to take a ride on the famous swan boats.

Pops hanging out in Boston Common.

We didn't go in, but we still couldn't resist taking a picture of the front of the Cheers Bar! We also went to the MIT museum, which had really cool stuff...but no one took any pictures, so that is the end of the Boston trip!

And finally, here are some pictures of Caleb's Baby Dedication. For those of you who are wondering what a Baby Dedication is, it is a public acknowledgement in front of the church that we as Caleb's parents are dedicating him to God in how we raise him and teach him about Jesus, while we commit to living as examples of Jesus before him the rest of our lives. This was definitely an important and special day for us to declare this!

Pops and Grammy with Caleb before the service. Check out his adorable little tie!

During the dedication after Caleb was prayed over by our Pastor, he received a gift of a children's bible from the church to remember this special day.

The Holmbergs and the Drapeaus
(Tage was the other baby dedicated, he is held in this picture by his mom Serena!)