Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pics Galore!

I am finally going through my pictures from the last month since we were computer-less for a little while there, and I have a bunch to post. They are all sorts of random shots from silly moments to cutie kid pics. Enjoy!

We're finally getting some good smiles on camera!

Just a fun shot to capture that cute sprig of hair she has on the top of her head.

You know your little boy is growing up when he can eat corn on the cob all by himself!

We thought this was funny...Caleb was picking up the milk jugs when we got home from the store one day. It's funny because a gallon of milk weighs around 11.5 lbs or something like that, and Caleb only weighs 23! It's pretty awesome that he can lift half his body weight! Ha ha!

First home hair cut done by Daddy. Jason did a great job! Below is the finished product, with Caleb's silly face!

I was trying to get a picture of him smiling, but he kept sticking his tongue out. Ahhh to be one and a half! But I finally got a cute one. Look at all of those teeth!

This outfit from Grammy and Pops with the adorable shoes from Aunt Sue make Rachel look like she belongs in Boca Raton don't you think? :)

Here is the first time Jason gave Rachel a bottle above, and the first time I gave her one below (it's expressed milk in case anyone is wondering...nursing is still going great)! As you can see, Caleb was interested in the process the first time...I think he wanted some milk!

I just liked this sleeping pic of the little peanut.

Rachel's first real bath above.

This was Caleb eating a roll after we got home from the grocery store. I was putting groceries away and turned around to find that he had opened the bag and was munching on one!

Rachel was a trooper after getting her immunizations at her 1st month check-up! You can see the little band-aid on her left leg.

Wearing Daddy's boots :)

Rachel has pretty strong head and body control for her age, above is her in tummy time a few weeks ago, and below she is standing pretty steady.

A fun video of the kids playing together above, and another video of Daddy playing with the kids below.

I wish I could know what she is thinking here...

Doesn't she look so happy? Smiling in her sleep with her little belly hanging out. What a life!

I think Caleb wanted to try to feed her!

So this was the picture I took right after she rolled over the other week (she was not too happy about rolling off the blanket onto the hard floor)! I only wish I would have had time to record it.

And finally, here are a few pics from a play date that I took the kids to this morning. We went to a fun park that has barn yard animals and a great playground for the kids. That is Caleb sitting next to Reese (Mia's in the back) above, and all of the kids in the group that were there this morning below. I am so blessed to be a part of such a great group of Moms, with awesome kiddos for Caleb and Rachel to play with!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Some of Rachel's Visitors

So we put all of these pics on Facebook too, but for those of you not on there, I thought I would do a quick post of some of the people who came to visit Rachel in the first few weeks after she was born.

Above are our friends Sean and Nicole who came over one night to see the kids (they are friends from church). Caleb LOVES these two by the way. They are some of his favorite people :)

This is Dawn (our Pastor's wife) and her awesome kids!

The top pic is of Jess and her daughter Kaitlin, and the guy with Jason is Matt (Jess's husband) with Kaitlin (Jason has Rachel of course). Kaitlin was born 1 week earlier than Rachel almost to the hour. We had so much fun being pregnant at the that same time as the Modaff's. They are also some of Caleb's favorite people too! At church, Caleb likes to say, "Matt!" when he sees Mr. Matt...and then he likes to go give him a high five!

These three ladies are just a few of the Moms from my Mom's group who made us meals and came to visit (there were a bunch of others, but we didn't get pics of those ladies unfortunately)! They are Julie, Caitlin and Beth above.

Then Val's Mom (Grammy) and Uncle Matt (Val's bro) came for a few days when Rachel was a couple of weeks old. We even took Rachel to the beach for the first time (I'll post a few pics of that another time) when they were in town.

And finally, Jason's Dad (Grandpa) and Step-Mom (Nana) were in the area to see Jason's Grandma, so we went to CT to meet up with them all, so they could meet Rachel too! Look how Rachel is just checking Grandma Lee out. She just kept staring into her eyes. So sweet!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We're back up and running!

We're sorry for the hiatus in posting the last couple of weeks. Our laptop died and our old PC would just take too long to upload a video! But we are back up and running now. Rachel has changed so much just in the last few weeks. She is now 6 weeks old and is doing just great! We had her 1 month appt. last week (it was scheduled a little late since our pedi was on vacation), and Rachel is totally thriving in the growth department. Her are her current stats for those of you who are interested:
11.2 lbs - 80th percentile
22 inches - 72nd percentile

The doctor was very happy with her growth and her head control too! In other news, Rachel smiled for the first time on August 24th (when she turned exactly one month old), and the coolest part was, Caleb was leaning over her, (and was giving her some love and kisses as per usual), and she smiled at him! It's so sweet that Caleb received the first social smile. Here's a video we took the other week of her smiling for the camera.

Caleb has been doing great with Rachel too. He has really transitioned well to having her around, and it has been fun to see him show her off to people. He is so proud to be a big brother! Here's a cute video of him giving her a tummy kiss (we call it a "zerbert").

He just loves to hold her.

Check out those adorable shoes from Aunt Sue!

Look at that big smooch!

Caleb loves to lay right next to Rachel any chance he gets.

He even pretends to read to her. It is so adorable!

And possibly our favorite picture of them all...Caleb teaching Rachel the ropes on how to master the two fingers sucking technique. Too funny! :)